student standing outside the City Hall building in LA
Career Exploration

Whatever you dream about doing—working in business, the nonprofit world, medicine or law—your four years at Oxy will serve as a springboard to success.

students sitting in front of a row of computers
Academics at Oxy

Occidental offers a transformational liberal arts education that is anchored by our exceptional faculty and the resources of Los Angeles.

a student on an outdoor bench reading with green grass
“Meet Our Majors” Student Profiles

Oxy provides endless opportunities to explore your academic interests. You may even discover a passion for an area of study you never considered.

Liberal Arts in Los Angeles

Drawing on the cultural and intellectual resources of a global city, Occidental provides a springboard for putting theory into practice and ideas into action.

Discover Occidental

A vibrant, small liberal arts college experience in the heart of Los Angeles, one of the most stimulating and creative cities in the world. That’s something you won’t find anywhere else.

Learning in Los Angeles

Our dynamic location means access to the highest caliber internships, research sites and more.

What’s Happening At Oxy